
Innovative mold technology enable new design possibilities and create resource-saving solutions for the packaging industry.
3D printing plays a crucial role in this.

Latest access at KIEFER - a metal 3D printer
This is used, for example, in the manufacture of prototypes and individual components.
With a construction volume of 250 mm length / 250 mm width / 295 mm height (325 mm height with construction platform), the printer enables the fast, flexible and economical production of metal components directly from CAD.

We would be happy to advise you individually
Tel. 07138/97 32-21


Quick results

Already at the implementation and design of the first draft, we are assistance-providing partners. The success of your product is based on an appealing design that has been adapted to the product and brand identity.

It enables our customers, to anticipate problems and requests for changes and resolve them with little effort and in order to achieve optimal results.

Test run and series production

The test runof thetools arein the newtechnology centerinGemmingen. On customer requests there can be als manufactured small series in the new technology center.